Monday, October 30, 2017

Brain Games & Training Your Brain

Good morning,

Today we are sharing an interesting article from NPR which talks about brain training. Many popular brain training "games" and programs are out there designed to help users increase brain function. Kara Blacker, lead author and a researcher at The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine in Bethesda, Md. talks about their findings. "Our hypothesis was that training might improve fluid intelligence or IQ," Blacker says. "But that's not what we found." They found that although one method (dual n-back) did show significant improvements in their working memory and changes in their brain activity, neither test made the study participants any smarter. (Click here to read the article in it's entirety.)

Maskot/Getty Images

What does all of this mean? Helping your student learn and improve can't simply be downloading a "brain game" or computer program- it's not enough. While it certainly may help their memory skills and provide some encouragement, it takes a lot more work and possibly professional guidance to help students succeed. If you are looking for somewhere to begin to help your child's success in school, contact us today! 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Learning More about ADHD

Good morning all,

If you can, take a moment to watch this TED talk and learn more about ADHD. Here at Linder Education we're so lucky to be able to help kids embrace their brains and learn the strategies to manage weaknesses and amplify strengths. Learn more about how we can help your child with ADHD here: or call (703) 270-9129 today!

Watch the TED talk here:

Monday, October 16, 2017

Learning With Podcasts: Getting Students Excited Again

Each student is unique which means that every student also learns differently. For some students, learning through podcasts has become a great tool to engage their minds in a different manner which allows them to become engaged and excited about learning again. 

In this article from KQED news high school English teacher Michael Godsey talks about how listening to podcasts helps his students read and learn. 

"When he first started teaching with podcasts, students were applying English Language Arts critical thinking skills to podcast episodes, much like they would after reading a book. However, the more he taught with podcasts, he began to discover that his students were learning in ways he hadn’t anticipated."

To learn more about Linder Education and the various methods we use to help our students achieve success in and out of the classroom, visit 

Monday, October 9, 2017

We're Hiring!! Join Our Team Today!

We're hiring! Know someone with experience working with students with learning disabilities? Send them our way! We pay great, have awesome clients, work more like 30 hours a week and laugh a lot.

Looking for someone with lots of tutoring/mentoring experience. We specialize in working with families with children that have ADD, ADHD, executive functioning issues, and/or behavioral issues. Our work ranges from organizational help to subject tutoring and study skills. We work with elementary through college students.

We are currently looking for a new full time addition to our company. We are open to a variety of applicants if they feel they would fit with our company, but we always have particular need for those with experience:
1. Teaching/tutoring in high school math and science
2. Special Education
3. Dyslexia

It is important that the person can manage the relationships with the student, the parents, and the teachers. Must be personable and extremely responsible.

Salaries would begin at 40k a year, and depend on experience and specialities. We offer good benefits. Applicants must commit through the coming school year, and we are most interested in applicants that would be looking for a career with our company. We were voted Best of Arlington in 2016, and Best of Northern Virginia in 2017. Over the coming years, we look to expand our business locations and offer increasingly specialized services for those with disabilities. We pride ourselves on our positive work environment, and a great work/life balance.

We are open to applicants interested in part-time work as a contractor during the school year for hourly pay ($30-40 an hour), but our preference is a permanent addition to the team.

Please carefully review our website and email a cover letter explaining your experience, what you can offer to Linder Educational Coaching, and why you are a good fit with our educational philosophy. Include a resume and three references to Kristin at:

Monday, October 2, 2017

Learning More About Dyslexia And How Linder Can Help!

Good afternoon all,

Today we are sharing an article from about one of the most-common learning disabilities we see in children today, Dyslexia. "Children each learn and develop at their own pace, and reading is no different from other skill building. It’s common for kids to find reading challenging at one point or another. But if learning to read becomes an ongoing struggle that leaves a child falling behind his or her peers, it’s possible that he or she might have dyslexia."

One of the most important things to realize when first speaking about Dyslexia is that 'Dyslexia is not a reflection of a child’s intelligence — in fact it’s defined as a gap between a student’s ability and achievement.' With the right help and patience a child with Dyslexia can flourish academically. That is where we can help! At our Lit Lounge for Literacy and Dyslexia we can work with your child to help them achieve success.

We look at each child as a whole person, not just as a student. When there are gaps between students’ goals and their achievements, we help them bridge those gaps. Linder EC is specialized in helping students with ADD/ADHD, executive functioning issues, Dyslexia, Autism, depression, anxiety, other disabilities, and behavioral issues. Our holistic approach emphasizes the development of good students, but more importantly, happier and healthier individuals ready to embrace the challenges of life.

So what are you waiting for? Contact us today at: to learn more!

To read more about Dyslexia and how to better understand it, click here for the full article.