Monday, October 3, 2016

Can we help our children be motivated to succeed?

"Humans are motivated by many factors: reward, internal satisfaction, competition, praise, fear. Developmentally, your daughter is not “little” anymore. The days of lollipops and trinkets as motivators are largely over, and she is in a stage in which her internal voice is becoming stronger. Her likes and dislikes, her temperament, her passions will begin to take focus more clearly."
Does this mean she’s lazy, afraid of work or destined to be second-rate when the going gets tough?

When a child feels that the stakes are emotionally high (“If I quit this, Mom will feel disappointed in me”) and that the cost could be her relationship with you, the child will pull away from hard things to avoid the pain of this separation. This is not conscious. I repeat: This is not conscious. This is an emotion that springs from her because all children want to feel close to their parents, and when that is threatened, the reptilian brain jumps in and says, “Whoa! Back away from that piano/homework/video game! You will fail, and Mom will look at you with those sad eyes.” It sounds ridiculous, but even the perception of separation can cause a child to back away from something fearful."- Meghan Leahy for the Washington Post

Here at Linder Educational Coaching we see students of all ages who struggle with motivation for their schoolwork and in life. It's one of the many things we can help your child with! We work with students to help them develop the skills needed to find what motivates them and help bring out their willingness to learn. If you feel that your child is lacking motivation for their studies and could use a helping hand, contact us today at:

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