Monday, May 22, 2017

How Parents Can Help Kids Develop A Sense Of Purpose

Good morning,

Today we are sharing an article from about motivation for our young students. This article, which talks about the purpose motivates our kids to do well in school and strive to be better human beings, goes a little further by saying "Purpose is critical, because it is linked to dedication, energy and resilience — “psychological goods,” Damon said, that most aspire to. “Purpose is the number one, long-term motivator in life,” according to Damon. Unlike passion or ambition, which focus on the self, purpose touches on the needs of the wider world."

However as you may already know, for our younger generations finding that "purpose" is a lot harder than it used to be.

"What used to be natural avenues through which to devote one’s life — faith, marriage, long-term careers and stable communities — have withered, leaving more adolescents unclear about what path to travel or how to get there. Just some 20 percent of high school kids can be categorized as purposeful, according to Damon’s research; the rest vary between being motivated but lacking a plan, being active but lacking direction, and being neither active nor forward-thinking."

Being able to sit down with your child and help them develop goals not just for school but for other aspects of their life can help them develop their sense of purpose. If you are looking for help, please contact us today! We also cater to children with ADD/ADHD and other learning disabilities.

Visit us online at: or call Kristin today at: (703) 270-9129.

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