Monday, October 19, 2015

When Your Child is Struggling Academically

Good afternoon!

Most children at some point in their academic careers will struggle in one area or another. Here at Linder Educational Coaching, each family calls us for a different reason, and we are very sensitive to the needs of each client. Some families want to make sure their child is prepared for the next grade, others call because their child has become detached from school and is doing poorly in multiple classes. We work with many students on specific areas that are weaker for them, whether it is language arts or math and sciences.

It is also important that parents are able to recognize when their students are struggling and how to help them with their work when they are at home, or on the days in which they do not come in to work with us.

Today we are sharing an article from PBS with some helpful tips for parents for those times we can't be there to help guide their students.

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