Monday, November 14, 2016

Teen Night Owls Struggle To Learn And Control Emotions At School

Good morning,

Today we are talking about an important topic every parent needs to be able to help manage, their teens sleep schedule. recently featured an article that talks about just this and how locally, in Fairfax County, it affects our students. "Researchers surveyed 2,017 students in 19 schools in Fairfax County, Va., about a variety of factors related to sleep. They were in seventh to 12th grades.
The researchers wanted to know more about the associations between the amount of sleep students get, how sleepy they are in the daytime and a brain function known as self-regulation — the ability to control emotions, cognitive functions and behavior."

As a parent with a night owl teen you may already have a suspicion about the conclusions that the researchers found. But for those of you who don't have teenagers yet or think your child gets sufficient amounts of sleep, this may surprise you.

According to the article, "night owls tend to have the hardest time with self-regulation, the researchers found. These students have more memory problems, are more impulsive, and get irritated and frustrated more easily.'

'The researchers discovered that students who regularly go to bed late tend to be both sleepier during the day and have more trouble with self-regulation, regardless of how much sleep they actually report getting."

To read the entire article, please click here.

If your child is struggling academically or socially in school and you are looking for help, please contact us at: We are here to help! 

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