Monday, August 7, 2017

We're All Born With Mathematical Abilities (And Why That's Important)

Good morning,

Here at Linder Education, we see a variety of children who struggle in various subjects, concepts or with learning abilities. It is no secret that a majority of today's children and students can struggle at some point with mathematics. Math is difficult for many children and today's article share from talks about how math skills are even more important than ever and how we can possibly re-shape our children's future in mathematics from as early as birth.

"Being literate with numbers and math is becoming increasingly important in modern society — perhaps even more important than literacy, which was the focus of a lot of educational initiatives for so many years.

We know now that numeracy at the end of high school is a really strong and important predictor of an individual's economic and occupational success. We also know from many, many different studies — including those conducted by my MU colleague, David Geary — that kids who start school behind their peers in math tend to stay behind. And the gap widens over the course of their schooling." (

To read the entire article visit the article link here.

If you feel that your child has misunderstood mathematics or is struggling to grasp some of the basic concepts in math, it's not too late! We can help your child learn their strengths and weaknesses and how to develop strategies to improve upon them. After all, we believe that each person learns differently and needs to find a way to use his/her natural abilities in school.

To learn more about our services, including private coaching, visit:

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